It’s Back!
We all know the feeling!
A long, hot summer, without our favourite pastime. Filling in the time watching cricket on TV while we wait for the real thing to begin. Discovering that no amount of wins over Pakistan or the West Indies makes up for what we are really missing! Nervously anticipating the first hit-out for the year.
Well, the wait is almost over. It’s back in March – the first meeting of the WA LabVIEW User Group for 2010. Don’ miss it!
Oh, and the Footy’s back as well – C’arn the Eagles!
Three topics to kick-off a new LabVIEW year in style:
Configure Your Way to Better LabVIEW
- Chris Reed from Medical Physics at RPH, and Jon Green from ICON Technologies, will look at the ins and outs of using configuration files in LabVIEW.
- There is a lot more to discover than just the humble LabVIEW ini file.
- Chris and Jon will also cover third-party tools from OpenG, MGI and JKI, XML, LVOOP approaches, and file versioning.
- Find out how better configuration can be an important step on the road to better LabVIEW!
(Jim’s) LabVIEW Style
- Jim Clark, of Hardware and Software Solutions, will draw on 15 years of LabVIEW experience when he leads a discussion on LabVIEW programming style.
- When it comes to LabVIEW style, there aren’t many absolutes, but there are a lot of widely agreed-upon principles that have emerged from within the LabVIEW community.
- This is also your chance to share any style elements that have worked particularly well in your LabVIEW applications.
Tips & Tricks II
- The “Tips & Tricks” presentations were a popular staple of last year’s User Group meetings, and Jon Green hasn’t got close to running out of material.
- So if time allows, he will pull a few more tips and tricks out of the toolbox.
You’re Invited
You and your colleagues are invited to come along and meet other LabVIEW enthusiasts, learn something new about LabVIEW and how it is used in the field, and have your say in what happens next. Whether you are an old hand, a newbie, or somewhere in between, don’t miss the first meeting of the WA LabVIEW User Group for 2010. Help us to set the stage for a LabVIEW forum that will inform, entertain, and support you in 2010 in getting the best out of your LabVIEW investment.
Thursday, 11 March 2010, 2.30 – 4.30 PM
Refreshments to follow
Training Room
ICON Technologies
Suite 8, CSG Building
3 Sarich Way
Technology Park
Bentley WA 6102
- Call: 08 9470 4275
- Online: Register Here